saints or sinners?

In the same vein as Jay Leno's perennial question "straight or gay" (lest it is "gay or straight" - who cares in this P.C. world anymore - eh? It was just a funny segment on Leno's show!) - let us thoroughly analyze now the qualities and the faults of many an illuminary... shall we? Fine with ya? Ok? Good! ~ NOTA BENE: perhaps because of the subject matter, this blog is neither perfect with IE, nor with Firefox!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sweet Sixteen...???

Both saints and sinners 
celebrate their 16th bithdays 
a certain special way... 
(Not like the 18th or 21st - 
depending on which part of the world 
you happen to be in... lol 
But special nonetheless!) 

(or is it... Z) 
born in the Year 2000 
will be celebrating this, now... 
What disgraceful scenes will be 
stemming out of these celebrations, 
you think? 

How adorable is that... 
In sixteen short years, they've all grown up 
from sweet, innocent newborn babes 
into sinful little twerps - 
that are still, quite literally, born yesterday! 
I've got blogs that are older than you... sinners!!! 

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