saints or sinners?

In the same vein as Jay Leno's perennial question "straight or gay" (lest it is "gay or straight" - who cares in this P.C. world anymore - eh? It was just a funny segment on Leno's show!) - let us thoroughly analyze now the qualities and the faults of many an illuminary... shall we? Fine with ya? Ok? Good! ~ NOTA BENE: perhaps because of the subject matter, this blog is neither perfect with IE, nor with Firefox!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Para Vestir... Santos?

Santos... ou Santas?
Vamos ver isso agora: 

... the 1955 version was far more saintly, for damn sure! 

Maria de Medeiros would be PROUD...! 
Eleonora Pimentel would be SHOCKED! 

And Ty... 

Ty is pleased as punch! 
Aren't you --- Ty??? 

Isn't that you making a surprise cameo 
-barging in on the lesbo trio watching that upload 
on the world-famous (!) instantly-recognizable 
"VideoSite" there... lol- 
in the first video here, right at the top...? 

Oh - not Ty at all; it's FERN - rather! 
... just another sinner! 


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